Guide to Applications


In this section, you will learn to troubleshoot issues that might occur when you work with applications in C1 CMS.

My Application Won’t Show Up Automatically

  • Make sure that your application is configured as an “auto attachment”.
  • Make sure that the markup of your application is correct and you refer to existing types and objects in values.

There Is No “Add Application” Menu Command

  • Make sure that your application is configured as an “allowed attachment”.
  • Make sure that the markup of your application is correct and you refer to existing types and objects in values.

An Application Won’t Appear in Its Own Perspective

  • Make sure that you set up permissions on the perspective for users/user groups that should access it.

There Are No Elements in the Tree

If you work with data elements:

  • Make sure that you that the data type you use has data items.
  • Make sure that you that you specified the data type’s name correctly.
  • Make sure that the filters you apply to data elements are set up correctly.
  • Make sure that the Display attribute on the element is not set to ”Compact” accidentally. If the data element is supposed to have child elements and, it might be hidden if it actually has none.

There Are No Action Buttons on the Toolbar / in the Menu

I Can’t Attach EditDataAction to an Element

  • Make sure that the element you want to attach the action is either DataElements or DataFolderElements. You cannot attach this action to Element or ElementRoot.

I Can’t Attach DeleteDataAction to an Element

  • Make sure that the element you want to attach the action is either DataElements or DataFolderElements. You cannot attach this action to : Element or ElementRoot.