Guide to Applications

Test Your Knowledge

Task: Create an Application to Attach to Pages

  1. Create the tree definition file “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Set up the application so that users can attach it to pages manually (“Composite.Data.Types.IPage”).
  3. Set its name to “Test Apps”.
  4. Select a page in “Content” and check for “Add application” in its context menu.
  5. Click “Add application” and check for “Test Apps” to appear on the list.

Task: Attach a Message Box to Pages

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Set up the application to auto-attach to pages.
  3. Add the message box action to the root element of the tree structure.
  4. Set its label, title and message to “Hello World”.
  5. Select a page in “Content” and check for the “Hello World” button on the toolbar.
  6. Click the button and check for the message box.

Task: Attach the Application to Its Own Perspective

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Set up the application to auto-attach to its own perspective.
  3. Add a simple element to the application tree structure with the label “Contacts” and ID “ContactsPerspective”.
  4. Insert another simple element in the “Contacts” element with the label “Contacts” and ID “ContactsTree”.
  5. Grant permissions to the new perspective in “Users”
  6. Check for the new perspective and the “Contacts” element in it.

Task: Retrieve Data Elements from a Data Type

  1. Create the data type “Test.Contacts” and add fields: “Name” (string), “Company” (string) and “Country” (string).
  2. Add five or more contacts to the data type only using either “CompanyA” or “CompanyB” and “US” and “Denmark”.
  3. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  4. As a child of the “Contacts” element, add the element that retrieves its data items from the “Test.Contacts” data type.
  5. Check for the items in the “Contacts” perspective.

Task: Group Data Elements

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Within the “Contacts” element with the ID of ”ContactsTree”, insert the data folders element that group the “Test.Contacts” data items by the “Company” field.
  3. Move the “Test.Contacts” data elements into the data folders element.
  4. Check for the data folders that group data items in the “Contacts” perspective by “Company”.

Task: Sort Data Elements

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Sort the “Test.Contacts” data elements by “Name” in descending order.
  3. Check for the sorting order of data elements in the “Contacts” perspective.

Task: Filter Data Elements

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Filter data elements by “Country” only selecting contacts from Denmark.
  3. Check for the contacts now present in the “Contacts” perspective.

Hint: To hide empty parent elements (data folders) unless they have child elements (data elements), set the Display attribute on the former to “Compact”.

Task: Attach Data Actions to Elements

  1. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  2. Within the simple “Contacts” elements with the ID of “ContatcsTree”, insert an action to add data items of the “Test.Contacts” type. Set its label to “Add Contact”.
  3. Repeat Step 2 within the data folders element with “Company” as its grouping field.
  4. Within the data elements of the “Test.Contacts” type, insert actions to edit and delete data items. Set its labels to “Edit Contact” and “Delete Contact”.
  5. In the “Contacts” perspective, Check for the buttons when selecting the “Contacts” element, a grouping data folder element, a data item.
  6. Add, edit and delete data items.

Task: Open an ASPX Page

  1. Create an ASPX file with simple content in the root of the website.
  2. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  3. Within the simple “Contacts” elements with the ID of “ContactsTree”, add an action to open this ASPX file in the view.
  4. Set its label to “Open Page”.
  5. In the “Contacts” perspective, check for the “Open Page” button.
  6. Click the button and check the result.

Task: Execute a CMS Function

  1. Create an XSLT function that outputs simple XHTML.
  2. Edit “TestApps.xml”.
  3. Within the simple “Contacts” elements with the ID of “ContactsTree”, add an action to execute the XSLT function.
  4. Set its label to “Execute Function”.
  5. In the “Contacts” perspective, check for the “Execute Function” button.
  6. Click the button and check the result.