Updating Localizations

Keep your GUI translation up-to-date with the latest C1 CMS

The existing localizations of CMS Console GUI may miss new strings that new releases of C1 CMS may introduce.

Here is a quick guide on how to update and export the console GUI localization. (For general information on localizing the console GUI, please refer to "Localizing Console").

First, prepare your website and set up the localization tool

  1. From the System perspective, install the latest version of the GUI localization package you want to update (Packages | Available packages | Composite.Localization | Composite.Localization.C1Console.{Language}). (If you have an older version of a localization package installed, you might need to uninstall it first.)
  2. Switch the GUI to the language of installed localization (Tools | Regional Settings)
  3. Download and unzip LocalizationTool.zip.
  4. Set these parameters in its LocalizationTool.exe.config and save the file:
  • websitePath: The path to the root folder of your CMS Website (e.g. "C\inetpub\CompositeC1")
  • targetCultureName: The culture code of the target language of localization (e.g. "nl-NL")

Next, translate missing GUI strings:

  1. Run LocalizationTool.exe. (Make sure all the options in the lower part of the tool are checked.)
  2. Click Find First Missing to fast-forward to the first string that has not yet been translated.
  3. Correct the translation suggested by Google Translate if necessary.
  4. Press Enter to save the translation and move to the next non-translated string.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 as long as there are more non-translated strings.

The status at the top of the window shows how many strings are missing translation (out of the total number of strings) as well as the percentage of the translated ones. There will be the number of strings missing translation, if any, indicated next to a file in the Files list. The strings with invalid keys if any (renamed or deleted in the source files) are saved in the UnknowStrings.xml file in the target language's folder.

Finally, export the updated localization to a package file:

  1. From the System perspective, install Composite.Tools.PackageCreator (System | Available Packages | Composite.Tools | Composite.Tools.PackageCreator).
  2. From the "Package Creator" perspective, right-click "Packages" and click "Create package" in the context menu.
  3. In the popup window, fill out all the fields and click "Next". A package element will appear under "Packages", e.g. "Composite.Localization.C1Console.Danish".
  4. Make sure the package is set as 'active' (right-click it and click "Set Active").
  5. Next, from the "System" perspective, expand /App_Data/Composite/LanguagePacks, right-click the folder with the localization files for your language (e.g. 'da-DK'), and click "Add to the Package". This will add all the localization files you've created with the localization tool to the package.
  6. Back in the "Package Creator" perspective, right click the package and click Download package.
  7. When prompted, specify the path where to save the package.

Your updated language pack is ready for distribution.

For more information on exporting your GUI localization files to a CMS Package, please see "Exporting Localizations".