Attaching elements
Step 6 - Implementing MySecurityAncestorProvider Class
Next we need to implement our MySecurityAncestorProvider class like this:
public sealed class MySecurityAncestorProvider : ISecurityAncestorProvider { public IEnumerable<EntityToken> GetParents(EntityToken entityToken) { yield return new MyRootEntityToken(); } }
Like with our AuxiliarySecurityAncestorProvider implementation, C1 CMS uses MySecurityAncestorProvider when handling security. And in our example here, any instances of MyEntityToken will have a MyRootEntityToken as a native parent.
Orckestra Product Suite
Digital Commerce
- Commerce Management
- Product Information Management
- Marketing and Promotions Management
- Experience Management for Commerce
- Distributed Order Management
- Mobile Shopping App SDK
- Advanced Analytics with Power BI
Digital Store
About Orckestra
Orckestra Product Suite
Digital Commerce
- Commerce Management
- Product Information Management
- Marketing and Promotions Management
- Experience Management for Commerce
- Distributed Order Management
- Mobile Shopping App SDK
- Advanced Analytics with Power BI
Digital Store
About Orckestra
C1 CMS is a powerful Content Management System that scales out in the cloud. C1 CMS Foundation is one of the world’s best-rated free Open Source CMSes. Built on the Microsoft stack and installed in more than 100 countries. C1 CMS is also seamlessly integrated in our Unified Commerce offering - Orckestra Commerce Cloud.
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