Attaching elements
Step 11 – Adding URL Action to Pages under Child Elements
To add a URL action to the pages under our child elements, the first thing we need is to make an action token implementation that is going to represent our custom URL action.
[ActionExecutor(typeof(MyUrlActionExecutor))] public sealed class MyUrlActionToken : ActionToken { private static PermissionType[] _permissionTypes = new PermissionType[] { PermissionType.Administrate }; public override IEnumerable<PermissionType> PermissionTypes { get { return _permissionTypes; } } public override string Serialize() { return "MyUrlAction"; } public static ActionToken Deserialize(string serializedData) { return new MyUrlActionToken(); } }
We use the ActionExecutor attribute to tell C1 CMS who is responsible for executing actions with this action token. So let’s go and implement that.