Shared Code

Create and use shared code for Razor page templates

If you don't include the required elements in your .chtml file in ~/App_Data/PageTemplates, it will be treated as a regular .cshtml and won't serve as a C1 CMS template.

However, this file will appear in the "Layout" perspective under "Page Templates" / "Shared Code" and can be used as, for example, a master layout for C1 CMS Razor templates or other purposes.

To create a "shared-code" cshtml file:

  1. From the System perspective, expand /, then App_Data and select PageTemplates.
  2. Click New File on the toolbar.
  3. In the Add New File window, type in the name of your cshtml file. Make sure it has the extension of "cshtml'.
  4. Click OK.

To edit the "shared-code" cshtml file:

  1. From the Layout perspective, expand Page Templates, then Shared Code.
  2. Locate and select the file you have just created. (You may need to refresh the Shared Code node to see the file.)
  3. Click Edit Razor File on the toolbar.
  4. Add code you need.
  5. Save the file.

To use the "shared-code" cshtml file as a master layout:

  • In the Configure method, set the Layout property to the relative path of this file.
@functions {
	public override void Configure()
        TemplateId = new Guid("bed582d3-d604-4858-a3a7-5b01d39d11e1");
        TemplateTitle = "My First Razor Template";
	    Layout = "MasterLayout.cshtml";