Console FAQ
How to start and implement a custom workflow from a custom tree
How to start and implement a custom workflow from a custom tree?
Use the following minimal syntax in the tree markup:
<WorkflowAction Label="MyLabel" WorkflowType="MyNamespace.MyWorkflow"/>When implementing the workflow you might need to find some data item in the parent path of the tree. For example if you need to get the id of the a parent data type and use this as to populate a reference field of a new child data element.
You can obtain the piggybag with the following code:
Dictionary<string,string> piggybag = PiggybagSerializer.Deserialize(this.ExtraPayload);
And get the parent data item with the following code:
DataEntityTokendataEntityToken = piggybag.GetParentEntityTokens().FindDataEntityToken(typeof(IMyType)); IMyTypeparentMyType = (IMyType)dataEntityToken.Data;