Hosting Servers

Select the best URL Configuration for your hosting server

The following is the information about how C1 CMS supports hosting servers in terms of the URL Configuration features:

FeatureIIS 7.x integrated (IIS 7, WebMatrix (IIS Express)), IIS 7+classic modeIIS 6ASP.NET Development Server ("Cassini")
Extensionless URLs, PageNotFoundUrl, and "Friendly URLs" redirectsupportedsupported1)supported
Hostname mappingssupportedsupportednot supported due to design issues in "Cassini"2)
  1. If you want to use a custom extension other than 'no extension' or ".aspx" (for example, ".html"), you should configure it on IIS6 by adding a wildcard mapping to aspnet_iisapi.dll. For more information, please see "Configure IIS for Wildcard Extensions in ASP.NET".
  2. Hostname bindings don’t work since all the requests are processed as if they were sent from the “localhost” hostname.