Identifying Slow Functions

Performance Trace

A lot of page rendering in C1 CMS is encapsulated in CMS Functions.

C1 CMS allows you to track how much time each CMS Function takes to execute when a page loads.

To view this performance trace:

  1. Log in to the CMS Console of your website.
  2. Select a page you want to trace.
  3. Click the View Mode button (the first button to the right of the address bar).
  4. Select CMS Page Speed.


  1. While logged in to the CMS Console, in the address bar of your web browser, type in the URL of the page whose performance report you want to see.
  2. Append the c1mode query parameter set to perf to the page URL ('?c1mode=perf'). For example:
  3. Press Enter.

Important: Make sure that you are logged in before running the performance report.

The activities and functions are presented nested in a table. You can expand and collapse them in the table at will.

  • The first column ("Own time") shows how many milliseconds the activity or function takes to execute without its child activities/functions.
  • The second column ("Function calls") features the name for the activity or function and shows how long (in both ms and %) it takes to complete the activity or execute the function.
  • The third column ("Memory usage") shows the memory usage in kilobytes.

Tracking custom code performance

If you also have custom C# code executed when a page loads, you can add performance tree labels and times for it to the report, too. Use this code:

using (Composite.Core.Instrumentation.Profiler.Measure("My Custom Label"))
  // your code here – the time used in here is measured
  // and labeled with your custom label defined above

When a "Measure" block is encountered, a new nested node in the performance tree is created. Nesting "Measure" blocks creates nested performance tree elements.


using System;

namespace Demo
  public class Functions
    public static string ShowDate()
      using(Composite.Core.Instrumentation.Profiler.Measure("Show Long Date"))
        return DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();