Prepare Service Package

Choose a service package to deploy a web role with on Microsoft Azure

The C1 CMS Azure service package deploys a web role in a Microsoft Azure cloud service and allows you to deploy and run one or more C1 CMS Websites in that role.

The same deployment can be used across multiple cloud services / data centers using such redundancy for fail-over, load balancing and geo-targeting.

It handles synchronization between a blob storage where the website is initially uploaded and the web role where the public version of the website is running. Coupled with Azure Publisher, it provides a reliable staging / production environment where Azure Publisher handles uploading the new and changed website files to the blob storage and C1 CMS Azure uploads these files on from the blob storage to the web role.

We've prepared a few pre-built packages of different VM sizes (A0 to A4) you can download, configure and deploy on Microsoft Azure. Please see "Download" for information about the pre-built packages.

After you have your pre-built service package available, you should (a) set up its parameters in its configuration file and (b) upload a certificate to a cloud service before deploying it on Microsoft Azure.