Data FAQ

How to create, update, delete static Data Types via C#?

How to create, update, delete static Data Types via C#?


Working with structured and reusable data in C1 is handled through Data Types. There are three different types of data types:

  1. Global data: data that is reusable across all pages in all sites that are connected in the site-structure
  2. Page data: “local” data associated with one specific page. Will result in a data folder on the page, in which the editor can store page-specific data
  3. Metadata: a flexible metadata structure that will be assigned to a page or a section of the website

Create a new Data Type:

using System;
using Composite.Data;
using Composite.Data.Hierarchy;
using Composite.Data.Hierarchy.DataAncestorProviders;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators;

namespace MySample
	public interface ITestCategory : IData
		Guid Id { get; set; }

		[StoreFieldType(PhysicalStoreFieldType.String, 64)]
		string Name { get; set; }

		[StoreFieldType(PhysicalStoreFieldType.String, 512)]
		string Description { get; set; }

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Check this example of data manipulation from C#:

using  (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection())
    // Add data to datatype
    ITestCategory c = DataConnection.New<ITestCategory>();
    c.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
    c.Name = "Test";
    c.Description = "Test description";
    // Get all data
    var result = connection.Get<ITestCategory>();
    foreach  (var data in result)
        // Update data
        data.Name = "New Name";

        // Delete data
        // connection.Delete<ITestCategory>(data);