Setup check failures

What? Things are not as they are supposed to be! Let's fix that!

The Setup Wizard in C1 CMS checks that a number of conditions are in place before proceding. You are reading this because one or more checks failed.

X  Outbound HTTPS/SOAP connection

Your C1 CMS site (the web application) is unable to contact our Setup Web Service via HTTPS.

Note: You can view the connection status and/or the connection exception by visiting http://<your_website>/Composite/ping.ashx where <your_website> stands for your website address (available in C1 CMS v. 3.2 or later).

First ensure that you can access using a browser on the machine hosting C1 CMS. If you can access this URL, you are likely accessing the Internet via a proxy that the web application is not aware of.

To resolve a proxy issue you need to edit the "Web.config" file located in your website root folder. If you are running WebMatrix click the 'Files' button in the lower left corner and then edit "Web.config".

Paste in the XML snippet below on line 2 (after the <configuration> element) and save the file. Then refresh the browser containing the setup check page and see if this resolved the problem.

    <proxy usesystemdefault="true" /> 

If this did not work, delete the change above and paste in the XML snippet below. Then save the file and refresh your browser again.

  <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"> 
    <proxy autoDetect="true" bypassonlocal="true" /> 

If this did not either, delete the change above and paste in the XML snippet below. Replace the sample URL http://proxyserver:80 with the URL of your local proxy (see below). Then save the file and refresh your browser again.

  <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"> 
    <proxy proxyaddress="http://proxyserver:80" bypassonlocal="true" /> 

The URL for your local proxy can be found in your browser settings (Firefox: Tools > Advanced : Network tab > Settings. Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings). You can also get this information from your favorite sysadm.

You can read more about proxy setup in web.config here:

Please note that this setting is specific to the network you are connected to. When you move the website to a server outside your local network you probably need to remove this change again.

We would hate to see you give up on C1 CMS because if this - if you find the description above unhelpful or if you are not in a position to fix this issue, please e-mail us at with a copy of this URL and some background on the problem - we will help you out.