Hosting FAQ

I want to create a C1 site which uses SQL Server. How do I do this?


To run a website that uses a Microsoft SQL Server database as its data store, use the Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider package.

In short:

  1. Create an XML-based website.
  2. Prepare an empty database on Microsoft SQL Server and make note of its connection string, e.g.:
    "Data Source=[server name];Database=[database name];Integrated Security=True"
    or "Data Source=[server name];Database=[database name];User Id=[username];Password=[password]"
  3. From the System perspective, install the Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider package.
  4. In the System perspective, use SQL Server Data Provider to migrate your data store from XML to SQL.

For more information, please see Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider.