Developer FAQ

I would like to perform an XSL transformation over placeholder's content and their inner function calls, how can I do that?


Firstly, you should create an xslt function, that accepts an "XElement" argument, you can use the following one, as a template:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
	exclude-result-prefixes="xsl in">
	<xsl:variable name="root" select="/in:inputs/in:param[@name='XHTML']/x:html"/>

	<xsl:template match="/">
	   <xsl:variable name="xhtml" select="/in:inputs/in:param[@name='XHTML']" />
				<xsl:copy-of select="$root/x:head"/>
			   <xsl:copy-of select="$root/x:body"/>
	<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
			<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" />
	<!-- Put your transformation templates here -->			   

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NOTE: In the example the function has a parameter named "XHTML" with the type of "XElement"

The next step - is to change the layout:

<f:function name="Composite.Example.Layout" xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:rendering="">
  <f:param name="XHTML">
  <!-- Layout content -->
 <html xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:lang="" xmlns:rendering="" xmlns:asp="">
	  <!-- ... -->
		<!-- ... -->

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