Information Architect

Learn what you can do in C1 CMS

The C1 CMS Information Architect track is a specialized track that deals with understanding features in C1 CMS in order to deliver websites to the end users.

Building a website requires knowing what you can do  and what you should use in C1 CMS to achieve this goal.

By completing this track you will be able to extend possibilities of C1 CMS based websites with CMS Packages, create page editing user roles, fine-tune the permissions for both users and user groups globally and locally and will have an overview of other basic C1 CMS's concepts such as layout or CMS Functions with an option of learning how to use them.

Required trainings:

The following are the topics you are required to study in order to get certified in the C1 CMS Information Architect track. Please follow the links and study all the materials suggested here.

Topics for the C1 CMS Information Track

Once finished studying the materials, please go on to do the sample assignment to make sure you are ready.