Installation and Setup

Get your website up and running in no time

Install C1 CMS with Web PI

Let’s get started by installing and setting up C1 CMS. In this guide, you are suggested installing C1 CMS with Web Platform Installer and running it in WebMatrix. This makes the installation and initial setup quite straightforward.

  1. Ensure you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 installed on your computer.
  2. Install C1 CMS on Microsoft WebMatrix:
  3. If you are prompted to launch Web Platform Installer, click “OK” and follow the Web Platform Installer steps.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click “Finish”.

This will launch C1 CMS in WebMatrix.

Watch how to install C1 CMS with WebMatrix:

Now you are ready to run C1 CMS for the first time, which will take you though a few simple steps of the initial setup.

  1. In WebMatrix, click the “Run” button. The setup wizard will open in the browser.
  2. Welcome: Once the initial check is complete, click “Next”.
  3. License: Check the “Accept” option and click “Next”.
  4. Setup: Select the website setup and click “Next”.
  5. Language: Choose the language of your website and click “Next”.
  6. Login: Enter the password for the Administrator’s account (“admin”) and click “Next”.

Once your site has been initialized, you are greeted with the CMS Console and you are ready to customize your website.

If needed, press F1 for online Help or visit, which gives you a basic introduction to the content management features.

Please note that clicking the “Run” button launches C1 CMS in your default web browser. Alternatively you can click the down arrow and click to launch the browser you prefer.

In most steps of the wizard, the system suggests default values, which you can keep and simply keep clicking “Next”.

In the “Regional Settings” step, if you select the language officially supported for the console GUI, it will be automatically installed and the GUI will be switched to this language.