Resolved bugs

Release date:Wednesday, June 16, 2010
C1 Version:Composite C1 1.3 (1.3.3819.17612)...
DescriptionThe GetSitemapXml function contains a parameter for controlling the scope of pages to get. Previously selecting
"Level 2 and sibling pages (site main areas)" would only 'look up' and return data if a 'Level 2' page was located as/above the current page. If the current page was above 'Level 2' no data would be returned.

In order to draw a 'top menu bar' the "Level 2 and sibling pages (site main areas)" scope is very useful, but having it return nothing on the home page (being Level 1) made it useless for this feature.

C1 will now 'grab the children' if the current page in one level above the specified scope - in effect you can expect data from "Level 2 and sibling pages (site main areas)" all over the site now, and you can expect "Level 2 and sibling pages (site main areas)" data, once you are on level 2 and down - etc.
Known work around:You may set what page is used as base for scoping - by default it's "the current page" but you can avoid this problem by setting it to a specific level 2 page, untill this fix is released.