New Features

Release date : Wednesday, December 16, 2009
C1 version: Composite C1 1.2 SP3 (1.2.3637.26658)...
Description : The URL that deliver images from the Media Archive can now contain parameters w, h, mw, mh (width, height, max width, max height). When any of these parameters are provided a server side image resizing will be executed on the image, yielding a smaller size (when resizing down) and a smoother result than 'html resizing' typically yield. The feature can typically be used for generating thumbnails.

url format: /Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}[resizing options]

Supported resizing options:
1) "Max width".  /Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}&mw=100
if the width of the image is bigger that the specified value, it will be downsized to the specified value
2) "Max height".  /Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}&mh=100
3) Max height and maxWidth can be used together /Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}&mw=100&mh=100
4)  "Stretching". /Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}&w=500&h=700
if image's width is bigger than 500, it's width will be stretched to 500
if image's width is bigger than 700, it's width will be stretched to 700
  Nice example of usage is:
   <img src="/Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id={Guid}&w=500&h=700" width="500" height="700" />

It's also possible to specify sizes in "~\App_Data\Composite\Media\ImageResize\Resized.xml", exactly as it was in "Media.ImageResize" module.

New Features