New Features

Release date : Friday, September 4, 2009
C1 version: Composite C1 1.2 SP2 (1.2.3534.23578)...
Description : You can now reuse XSLT using <xsl:import href="~/web-local-path.xsl" /> and <xsl:include href="~/web-local-path.xsl" /> in your XSLT Functions. This enable developers to put commonly used XSLT templates etc. into one or more files on the website and then include it into your XSLT.
Before the XSLT document is compiled, C1 locates all tilde based paths (i.e. "~/this.xsl") and substitute it with the full path to the file, enabling the XSLT compiler to load the file. The use of tilde based paths is not a standard feature of XSLT.

New Features