
Make your websites with Razor

Thanks to the community support, C1 CMS can now enjoy the Razor syntax in a brand new type of CMS Functions - Razor functions.

Razor is a view engine option for ASP.NET. Although Razor is often associated with MVC, you do not need MVC support on your website to start creating and using Razor functions in C1 CMS. If you, however, do use Razor bundled with MVC, please consider using MVC Player.

The Razor functions are available in C1 CMS for insertion on pages, templates, in other functions and in function calls in the CMS Console.


Razor Functions Intro - Part 1 [LEGACY]

ASP.NET Razor is a light weight syntax for mixing html and C# and mixed with the C1 Function system and parameter support you have an elegant and very powerful tool that can empower both developers and end-users!

Razor Functions Intro - Part 2 [LEGACY]

Part 2 of 2. ASP.NET Razor is a light weight syntax for mixing html and C# and mixed with the C1 Function system and parameter support you have an elegant and very powerful tool that can empower both developers and end-users!