Pages, Data and Forms

Translate pages, data and forms into the language of your choice


After switching to the target language, you should first "translate" pages (in terms of C1 CMS), that is, have the system create their language-based copies. When done, you can access their content and actually translate it into the intended language.

Once published, the translated page becomes publicly available on your website as, for example,


To have data used on the website in the intended languages, you should translate it in the similar manner as pages. Please note that the data type that contains this data must be first localized.


If your website uses one or more data type-based forms created with the Forms Renderer package, you should also localize these forms to have, for example, form labels etc in the intended language.

Language Switcher

To switch between language versions of your website (or individual pages), we recommend that you install and use an ad-hoc package: Language Switcher.