
Localization in C1 CMS

Having a website means being present internationally. Sooner or later you may want to have your website in more than one language if you haven't yet.

C1 CMS allows you to localize your website. Before going on to learn how to localize websites in C1 CMS, make sure you understand the difference between:

  • CMS Console GUI localization
  • Website localization

They don't affect each other and don't overlap. You can have your CMS Console in, say, German and a website in English, German, French and Spanish.

(To localize the CMS Console, you need to install one of the localization packages and switch the language of the CMS Console. Read more about localizing the CMS Console.)

This guide focuses on the website localization and the CMS Console localization is out of its scope.

The website's content is stored not only on pages but also in dynamic data types as well as in page layout templates and CMS Functions. While translating the content on a localized page is quite straightforward, translating the content retrieved from other sources (dynamic data types, templates, functions) needs additional steps and tools.

If you choose to have your website in another language, you should take these steps:

  1. Add the language to your website.
  2. Translate content on pages, data in localized data types, and labels in forms.
  3. Translate strings in templates and CMS Functions.
  4. Localize ASP.NET components.
  5. Translate strings and data in used packages.

Note: If you want a quick or temporary solution (no translation on your part at all), you can install the Microsoft Translator Widget package and let visitors translate pages into their native languages on the fly. Read more about Microsoft Translator Widget.