Terminology List

Learn terms and their definitions used throughout the CMS Console

These are the most common terms and concepts as well as their definitions used within the CMS Console. They might be of particular interest to those involved in localizing the CMS Console GUI.

C# functionAn item under "C# functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A CMS Function created in C#. Can be external or inline . (Also referred to as a "method-based function".)
CMS ConsoleThe browser application where you can log in and manage websites (for example, edit pages).
CMS FunctionAny of the items in the "Functions" perspective. A logical unit that presents internal or external static or dynamic content or behavior, used on a page, in a page template or another CMS Function.
Console applicationAn XML-based application that extends the functionality of the CMS Console.
Content perspectiveA perspective that contains websites, their pages and website items.
Data itemA data instance of a specific type (similar to a data row in a database's table). An item under any of the Global data types in the "Data" perspective or any of the data folders under pages in the "Content" perspective. (Syn.: data element.)
Data perspectiveperspective that contains data types and data items of these types.
Data type An entity used to store and reuse structured data (similar to a database's table). An item in the "Data" perspective under Global data types, Page data folders and Page meta types. (Also spelled as "datatype".) 
EditorAn internal WYSIWYG (Visual Editor) or source code/markup (Code Editor ) editor opened in the right part of the CMS Console or in a popup window.
External C# functionAn item under "C# functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A C# function created as a public static method in /App_Code with an external code editor and added to C1 CMS in the CMS Console.
Global data typeA data type that represents data items reusable across all web pages on all websites created in the CMS Console. Created in the Data perspective. (Also spelled as "Global  datatype".)
Home pageThe root/topmost page of the website. Normally, represents a website in the CMS Console. (Also spelled as "homepage".)
Functions perspectiveA perspective that contains various types of CMS Functions.
Inline C# functionAn item under "C# functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A C# function created as a public static method in the CMS Console.
Layout perspectiveA perspective that contains page templates and page types, and provides access to the folders and files used in layouts (CSS, JS, images).
Media archiveA central store for media files such as images, videos, documents.
Media perspectiveA perspective that contains the Media Archive.
PackageAn item under "Packages" in the "System" perspective. An installable module that extends functionality of C1 CMS.
PageAn item in the "Content" perspective below "Websites". A web page on the website. (Syn.: CMS Page.)
Page BrowserAn internal web browser of the website(s) in the "Content" perspective.
Page data folderA data type that represents data items associated with one specific page. Created in the Data perspective.  (Also spelled as "Page datafolder".)
Page meta typeA data type that decorates a page with new fields. Created in the Data perspective. (Also spelled as "Page metatype".)
Page templateAn item under "Page Templates" in the "Layout" perspective. Content repetitive on multiple pages, normally setting the layout of pages and including placeholders for page-specific content.
Page typeAn item under "Page Types" in the "Layout" perspective. A type any page is based on, that defines page-related data and settings such as a set of page templates , page data folders and meta types, applications to use and default content.
PerspectiveA set of website components organized by their purpose and presented as a tree of elements on their own "tab" in the left part of the CMS Console.
SEO AssistantA built-in tool that helps control how well the individual pages are optimized for search engines.
Source EditorAn internal source code/markup editor opened in the right part of the CMS Console or in a popup window.
SQL functionAn item under "SQL functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A CMS Function created in SQL.
SubpageAny page that has a parent page in the tree-like hierarchy. Syn.: a child page.
System perspectiveA perspective that provides access to packages, website languages, website file system, URL and hostname configuration.
Users perspectiveA perspective that allows you to manage CMS Console users and user groups.
Visual EditorAn internal WYSIWYG editor opened in the right part of the CMS Console or in a popup window.
Visual functionAn item under "Visual functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A CMS Function based on a data type and presents data items. Can be edited in Visual Editor or Code Editor.
WebsiteAn item under "Websites" in the "Content" perspective. Represented by a home page with subpages.
XSLT functionAn item under "XSLT functions" in the "Functions" perspective. A CMS Function created in XSLT.