Razor Functions

Make your websites with Razor

Razor is a view engine option for ASP.NET. And C1 CMS allows you to use the Razor syntax to create and use yet another type of CMS Functions - "Razor functions".

Note. Although Razor is often associated with MVC, you do not need MVC support on your C1 CMS Website to start creating and using Razor functions. If you, however, do need Razor bundled with MVC, please consider using MVC Player.

In C1 CMS v 4.0 or later, Razor functions are "first-class citizens".

(In earlier C1 CMS Versions, you can make use of the C1Contrib's Razor Functions.)

The Razor functions are available in C1 CMS for insertion on pages, templates, in other functions and in function calls in the CMS Console.

Note. To quickly create boilerplate-code Razor functions (as well as Razor page template) from Visual Studio 2012, install an ad-hoc Visual Studio 2012 extension by C1 CMS: CompositeC1RazorExtensions.vsix. (It works with Visual Studio 2012 only.)

In this guide, you'll learn how to create, edit and use Razor functions. 

Note. This article is about C1 CMS v.4.0 or later. For earlier versions please see the legacy documentation.


Fast intro to Razor Functions

Learn to create a simple Razor function to display Twitter search results on a page in C1 CMS.

Using Razor and data to build a list-to-detail view

How to create a list-to-detail view with a Razor function in C1 CMS.