Tree Schema Definition Reference
This element defines elements that serve as grouping folders on data elements or other data folder elements. It has the following attributes:
- Type (parent data folders only)
- FieldGroupingName
- DateFormat
- Range
- FirstLetterOnly
- Icon
- ShowForeignItems (child data folders only)
- Display
- SortDirection
It can contain the Children and Actions elements. The Children element cannot contain the Element element.
The data interface type name. Required.
Not used on the data folder elements nested within the parent data folder element.
The data type name must include namespaces.
The field name of the given data interface (property name). Required.
Date format used when grouping. Optional.
Use the following syntax to format dates:
- Year: y, yy, yyy, yyyy.
- Month: M, MM, MMM, MMM.
- Day: d, dd, ddd, dddd.
- Hour: h, H, hh, HH.
- Minute: m, mm.Second: s, ss
Ranges for grouping data folders. Optional.
Use “>” between the starting and ending values of a range and “,” between ranges. A single value for a range is also possible.
Ex: "0>10, 11>20, 21>" or "A>F, G>Z"
When set to “true” the grouping is done with the first letter only. Optional.
Its possible values are “true” and “false”.
The icon of the element. Optional.
The names of C1 CMS standard icons you can use in your application are listed in ~\Composite\images\icons\StandardIcons.xml
When set to “true”, data folder items not yet localized are displayed with a “Localize” action.
Only used on the data folder elements nested within the parent data folder element. Not used on the parent data folder element.
Optional. Defaults to “true”.
Its possible values are “true” or “false”.
A mode in which an element that might have child elements is displayed. Is characterized by two aspects:
- Whether to display the element that has no child elements
- Whether to show a “plus” sign next to the element to allow expanding it
Optional. Defaults to “Lazy”.
Its possible values are:
- Lazy: Shows all elements even though they might have no child elements and always show the “+” sign next to these elements
- Compact: Only shows the elements that has child elements; hides all the elements without child elements
- Auto: Shows all elements even though they might have no child elements, but only shows the “+” sign if the element has child elements.
The direction of sorting the grouping data folders.
Optional. Defaults to “Ascending”.
Its possible values are:
- Ascending: Sorts folders smallest to largest, for example, A to Z, or 0 to 9.
- Descending: Sorts folders largest to smallest, for example, Z to A, or 9 to 0.
Note: Available in Composite C1 4.0 (now C1 CMS) or later.