System Requirements

What you need to run C1 CMS

The following are hardware and software requirement you need to meet to run C1 CMS.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • CPU 1.0 GHz
  • Memory consumption 512 MB
  • Disk space 60 MB

Software Requirements (Client)

The C1 CMS client runs on the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows
    • Google Chrome (recommended)
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Internet Explorer (version 11 or later)
  • Apple OS X and Linux
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple iPad:
    • Google Chrome

Software Requirements (Server)

The C1 CMS server runs on the following platforms:

  • ASP.NET 4.7.1 and .NET 4.7.1
  • One of the following web servers:
    • Internet Information Services 8 or newer
      • WebSockets enabled on IIS
    • WebMatrix / IIS Express
    • Visual Studio 2017 (IIS Express)
    • Microsoft Azure
      • Cloud service (classic)
      • Web App
        • Minimum scale up to B1 (dev) or a production size.
        • Application settings,
          • set "Web sockets" to "On"  
          • add new setting: WEBSITE_DYNAMIC_CACHE = 0

For the data store, you can use one of the following options:

  • XML flat files (default)
  • a Microsoft SQL Server database

You can quickly and easily switch to the SQL option at any time with the free Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider addon.

Note: C1 CMS must run with ASP.NET "full trust" level. If you are going to host your C1 CMS at a 3rd party hosting provider, you should ensure they allow ASP.NET Full trust.

The identity (name of the service account) running the application pool (that hosts the website) must be able to read, add, update and delete files in the website folder, depending on the type of the deployment.

  • Always: Read access to the entire website folder.
  • Setup and development: Full access to the entire website folder.
  • Content management only: Full access to the ~/App_Data folder.
  • Content delivery only: Full access the ~/App_Data/Composite folder

Important: Multiple processes (for example, multiple IIS applications) should not point to the same C1 CMS folder.

Visual Studio 2017 for development

To work with the source code for C1 CMS you need Visual Studio 2017 with the following "Individual Components" installed:

.NET Framework 4.7.1 SDK
.NET Framework 4.7.1 targeting pack

Compilers, build tools, and runtimes
C# and Visual Basic Roslyn compilers

Development activities
Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio
Windows Workflow Foundation

For C1 CMS running on Microsoft SQL Server

  • For managing data types / installing most packages, the database DBO access is required.
  • The SQL user must have the default schema set to "dbo".
  • For only running the public website (read-only, no access to the CMS Administrative Console), the SELECT access is required at minimum.
  • For content editing tasks in the CMS Console, a user with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE access is required at minimum.