Developer FAQ

How to attach actions to the elements in the tree using ActionExecutor (without form dialogue)?


There is possibility to add new commands to existing tree elements, like pages, items, datatypes, media items, file system folders or files...

The commands can execute tasks like displaying a custom ASP.NET page in the C1 console or launch C1 / Workflow Foundation based UI like wizards or editors.

A typical scenario where this would come in handy is adding a "Manage extranet security" command to page and media elements which can launch a customized UI relating to the selected item.

In sample below we attached command to page element in the tree using ActionExecutor without using form dialogue.

using Composite.C1Console.Elements.Plugins.ElementActionProvider;
using Composite.C1Console.Security;
using Composite.C1Console.Elements;
using Composite.Data;
using Composite.Data.ProcessControlled.ProcessControllers.GenericPublishProcessController;
using Composite.Data.Types;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Composite.C1Console.Actions;
using Composite.Data.ProcessControlled;
using System.Linq;
using System;

namespace Composite.Pages.PublishTree
	public sealed class PublishTreeElementActionProvider : IElementActionProvider
		private static readonly ActionGroup _actionGroup = new ActionGroup("Workflow", ActionGroupPriority.PrimaryLow);

		public IEnumerable<ElementAction> GetActions(EntityToken entityToken)
			DataEntityToken dataEntityToken = entityToken as DataEntityToken;

			// check if it's really data entity token
			if (dataEntityToken != null)
				// we need only IPage - doing our check
				if (dataEntityToken.Data.DataSourceId.InterfaceType == typeof(IPage))
					// add our action token
					ElementAction action = new ElementAction(new ActionHandle(new PublishTreeActionToken()))
						VisualData = new ActionVisualizedData
							// right click menu icon settings - label, tooltip, image and display location settings
							Label = "Publish pages tree",
							ToolTip = "Publish pages tree",
							Icon = GenericPublishProcessController.Publish,
							ActionLocation = new ActionLocation
								ActionType = ActionType.Edit,
								IsInFolder = false,
								IsInToolbar = false,
								ActionGroup = _actionGroup

					yield return action;

        public sealed class PublishTreeActionExecutor : Composite.C1Console.Actions.IActionExecutor
            public Composite.C1Console.Actions.FlowToken Execute(Composite.C1Console.Security.EntityToken entityToken, Composite.C1Console.Security.ActionToken actionToken, Composite.C1Console.Actions.FlowControllerServicesContainer flowControllerServicesContainer)
				// doing our magic with data here
				DataEntityToken token = (DataEntityToken)entityToken;
				UpdateTreeRefresher treeRefresher = new UpdateTreeRefresher(token.Data.GetDataEntityToken(), flowControllerServicesContainer);
				IPage page = (IPage)token.Data;
				// call our functions

				// call refresh tree
				return null;

			#region Our functions executed here
			private void PublishPage(Guid pageId)
                using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection())
                    var page = connection.Get<IPage>().Where(p => p.Id == pageId).FirstOrDefault();
                    IPublishControlled publishControlled = page as IPublishControlled;
                    if (publishControlled != null)
                        if (publishControlled.PublicationStatus != GenericPublishProcessController.Published)
                            // publish page
                            publishControlled.PublicationStatus = GenericPublishProcessController.Published;

			private void PublishPagesTree(Guid pageId)
				// publish page

				// get childrens for current page
                using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection())
                    IEnumerable<Guid> childPageIds = (from ps in connection.Get<IPageStructure>()
                                                      where ps.ParentId == pageId
                                                      orderby ps.LocalOrdering
                                                      select ps.Id).ToList();

                    // publish childrens
                    foreach (var childPageId in childPageIds)
		#region We add here action token PublishTreeActionToken
		public sealed class PublishTreeActionToken : ActionToken
			// publish permissions required to execute action
			static private IEnumerable<PermissionType> _permissionTypes = new PermissionType[] { PermissionType.Publish };

			public override IEnumerable<PermissionType> PermissionTypes
				get { return _permissionTypes; }

			public override string Serialize()
				return "PublishTree";

            public static Composite.C1Console.Security.ActionToken Deserialize(string serializedData)
				return new PublishTreeActionToken();

Download the sample code

How to make it work

  1. Add the following references to the project:
    • System.Configuration
    • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common
    • Composite
  2. Compile your code and copy the assembly to /Bin directory
  3. Register your provider in Composite C1's configuration: \App_Data\Composite\Composite.config (see below)

The "Publish pages tree" command will appear in the context menu of a selected C1 page and will publish it as well as all its children etc.

Register Element Action Provider in Composite.config

To register your action provider in the Composite configuration file:

  • add an <add /> element to the plug-ins list of the Composite.C1Console.Elements.Plugins.ElementActionProviderConfiguration element.

Below is how the sample provider shown above would look like.

    <add name="PublishTree" type="Composite.Pages.PublishTree.PublishTreeElementActionProvider, Composite.Pages.PublishTree.Lib" />
Please note that you should make sure to set the correct value for the "type" attribute of the "add" element:
  • type="Namespace_name.Class_name, Assembly_name”
  • name is the assembly's name