
The Open Cph Razor page templates use a few content placeholders for unique per-page content

A content placeholder in a template indicates the part of the page that you can edit in Visual Editor or Code Editor from the Content perspective. As its name suggests, a content placeholder "holds" a place for the content unique to each page.

For more information about placeholders in Razor templates, please see "Adding Placeholders".

The content placeholders used in the templates are:


This content placeholder is used only in the 2- or 3-column templates such as:

  • Frontpage
  • ThreeColumns
  • TwoColumnsContentAside

It expects content that will be placed on the right side part of the page (aside) and usually provide some additional information, for example, some tips and tricks etc.

In the templates it appears above the "Aside Column" page template feature.


This is the main content placeholder which contain the main information on the page.

It is used in all the templates.


This content placeholder allows the user to add some content that will appear in the upper part across the page and normally have some introduction to, or summary of, the content on the page.

It is used in all the templates, not directly but via the function "Layout.HeroUnit".

In this function the use of this content placeholder is combined with the use of the "Hero Unit (default)" page template feature, which as the name suggests provides the default content in the hero unit (the page title and description) if there is no content in the "HeroUnit" content placeholder.